FeedBurner Site Visitors statistics missing after migrating to Google FeedBurner.
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Over the weekend I noticed FeedBurner was migrating all of its user accounts to Google. I used FeedBurner on a daily basis because it would give me relatively real time statistics for visitors with the Pro and Fan option. These items were really useful to me because it would tell me how many hits I had on my sites as well as where they were coming from be it Google search or other web sites.
And this was real time information that I could use to help people that were reading my sites. Not only would it tell me from where they came from but also what pages they were looking at. Well after the 45 min migration on Sunday I was hit with this when I opened Google version of FeedBurner and immediately felt like they left us out in the cold.
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** Warning if you utilize any of the items listed. Don’t migrate till it is absolutely necessary ***
Currently the new version of FeedBurner from Google has removed all of these nifty tools. There are no longer options for Site Stats the only thing you get are Feed Stats. Unfortunately I do not have screen shots for the previous stats to show.