Saturday, June 20, 2020

OpenCore install on Mac Pro 5,1 Easy

Installing OpenCore on a Mac Pro 4,1 flashed to ,1 or a 2010 -2012 Mac Pro 5,1


The Easy Install of OpenCore on a Mac Pro 4,1 flashed to 5,1 or a 2010 -2012 Mac Pro 5,1

**** Don’t Do This *** do you research and make sure it is something you want to do.  Just a warning!! I may not be able to help if this is your primary machine and something goes south! 

Make sure you have a back up when ever you are doing something that is not supported by Apple.  This is My CYA!!

Reasons why and How To.

First thing is to disable SPI (System Integrity Protection) !!! Super Important !!
Command for that is as follows

    1.    Turn off your Mac (Apple > Shut Down).
    2.    Hold down Command-R and press the Power button. ...
    3.    Wait for OS X to boot into the OS X Utilities window.
    4.    Choose Utilities > Terminal.
    5.    Enter csrutil disable.
    6.    Enter reboot.

Second you can download OpenCore from:
Man tat Lo  . FYI this is the New Version 0.5.9 with open canopy.

Don’t for get to check out user name @Martin Lo

As well as h9826790   On Macrumors Forums


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