Thursday, March 4, 2010

CE's GeekBook Mid-Life Crisis (Need to Do Something!)

As mentioned yesterday on FriendFeed and Twitter.. My Blogs are out of hand CE's GeekBook really needs Focus. So with that in mind I have created CE's Photography and I am in the process of migrating any and all Photography related posts over to the new site. I know that I will probably loose some readers in the migration but hope fully in the end things will be better for it.

Please Support Our new Hatchling

I am also going to play with CE's GeekBook a bit to clean it up .. It looks like a total mess right now and even I don't like it so BEAR with me over the next couple of weeks.

Donations are always accepted


Lone Star Custom Lapel Pins

Lone Star Custom Lapel Pins
Veteran Managed Lone Star Pins are creators of custom lapel pins. We offer a free digital how to PDF on our site, Free Artwork, and quote. Contact us today for your proof and quote.


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