SPz0 over at SlateDroid has updated the OpenRom to v2.0 have not tried it yet .. Just so you know. :)
I have been playing with the Android Pandigital Planet for the last few weeks and to be honest it is an amazing little 7 inch tablet. Now mind you it is a resistive touch screen and it does have its little quirks but has been one of my primary devices for web surfing, reading books, Google+, and email since I have owned it. For this reason I have decided
to get the Pandigital SuperNova for my daughter for Christmas ... more on that later.
Also if you want to ROOT your Pandigital SuperNova follow me here...
So two things are key here you need to have on of the new Pandigital Planets for this to work. The back of the box should have the new getjar application instead of the the older application. This will be the first clue that this flash will work for you.
The other thing to watch out for is:
Spz0 over at slatedroid came up with this and get's all the kuddos for it. Follow the directions carefully and as always **** NOT responsible for bricking / rendering your tablet unusable... and this could void your warranty.*******
OpenPDP-2.3.4 ROM v1.1-BETA Update!
Lets be clear here...
This ROM WILL NOT WORK on the Older PDP Tabs running 2.2.1 (Froyo) Native!!! If you install this ROM on a 2.2.1 device YOU MAY BRICK YOUR TAB!!!
This is a BETA release, meaning this ROM has had minimal field testing, so you all are my guinea pigs. I have tested this ROM myself, and it seems solid, but as always, Download at your Own Risk, and make sure you have a backup of the stock firmware!!!!
Some Features Include:
-Google Experience PreLoaded
-Bloatware Removed
-NewShiny UI
-System Tweaks and performance Improvements
-OpenPDP Customs Apps and Settings
-New VTL 1.5-Beta Launcher
-USB Debug enabled by default
I take no responsibility for Bricked PDP's! Flash at your own risk!
Keep in mind that this WILL ERASE your data and cache! So back your apps up!
Instructions for OpenPDP-2.3.4 ROM!
Download zip file to your SDcard
make sure there are no other update zips on your sdcard, including official updates!
Shut down the device.
Boot to Recovery. (Vol. up + Power for 3 sec)
Push Vol. Up until "Apply update from SDcard".
Push Vol. Up until you have the update highlighted.
Push Vol. Down to apply update.
Reboot once flashed. (push Vol. Down from recovery menu)
Download OpenPDP ROM HERE.
**note: Spz0 has removed the HDMI Switch app from the ROM, due to the fact that they just sit in RAM. If you wish to retain these, I have provided the separate APK file, located below. Just Sideload it as you would any other installable App.
If you need more info follow Spz0's thread here
Version 2.0 Changes:
Based on 12/02 fw.
Go-Launcher integration
Netflix pre-loaded.
Also if you want to ROOT your Pandigital SuperNova follow me here...
So two things are key here you need to have on of the new Pandigital Planets for this to work. The back of the box should have the new getjar application instead of the the older application. This will be the first clue that this flash will work for you.
The other thing to watch out for is:
Spz0 over at slatedroid came up with this and get's all the kuddos for it. Follow the directions carefully and as always **** NOT responsible for bricking / rendering your tablet unusable... and this could void your warranty.*******
OpenPDP-2.3.4 ROM v1.1-BETA Update!
Lets be clear here...
This ROM WILL NOT WORK on the Older PDP Tabs running 2.2.1 (Froyo) Native!!! If you install this ROM on a 2.2.1 device YOU MAY BRICK YOUR TAB!!!
This is a BETA release, meaning this ROM has had minimal field testing, so you all are my guinea pigs. I have tested this ROM myself, and it seems solid, but as always, Download at your Own Risk, and make sure you have a backup of the stock firmware!!!!
Some Features Include:
-Google Experience PreLoaded
-Bloatware Removed
-NewShiny UI
-System Tweaks and performance Improvements
-OpenPDP Customs Apps and Settings
-New VTL 1.5-Beta Launcher
-USB Debug enabled by default
I take no responsibility for Bricked PDP's! Flash at your own risk!
Keep in mind that this WILL ERASE your data and cache! So back your apps up!
Instructions for OpenPDP-2.3.4 ROM!
Download zip file to your SDcard
make sure there are no other update zips on your sdcard, including official updates!
Shut down the device.
Boot to Recovery. (Vol. up + Power for 3 sec)
Push Vol. Up until "Apply update from SDcard".
Push Vol. Up until you have the update highlighted.
Push Vol. Down to apply update.
Reboot once flashed. (push Vol. Down from recovery menu)
Download OpenPDP ROM HERE.
**note: Spz0 has removed the HDMI Switch app from the ROM, due to the fact that they just sit in RAM. If you wish to retain these, I have provided the separate APK file, located below. Just Sideload it as you would any other installable App.
If you need more info follow Spz0's thread here
Version 2.0 Changes:
Based on 12/02 fw.
Go-Launcher integration
Netflix pre-loaded.
Okay so I did the download and put it on the Planet, yet I still can't download from the "Market". It says the device is not recognized. I believe I did the root correctly, any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of things that you can do that will probably work. I will start with the most simple one first. First option: 1. Go to home screen 2. click on settings 3. click on applications 4. click on manage apps. 5. under download look for frameworks and click on that, you will then clear cache and then force close 6. now look for market and do the same thing (clear cache and force close). Once you completed this you can try to see if the market app works. It has worked before but it doesn't always work this way.
If it doesn't this next option definately will work.
1. click on settings from home screen. 2. click account account & sync 3. click add account and select you are adding a new google account. (this will require that you create a new account with google. UNLESS you have someone close that will let you borrow their google account for this). 4. Once you add another google account you will see both accounts listed under "accounts & sync." 5. Click on each one individually and it will say on the bottom "remove account" DON'T DO THAT YET. Click the menu button and click "sync now." 6. Do the same process on the other google account. 7. Go to the main screen and access the market app you should be able to view it now.
It worked for me and I hope it helps you.
I forgot to tell you. If you have to do option 2, you can delete the second google account once you are able to access the market.
I did on my pandigital planet and it worked! The only thing I wasn't pleased with is that it doesn't auto-rotate. I have to manually do it on the top bar where the notifications are. Do you know of a way to get it to do it automatically without me have to change each time? It's not a big deal, but I really like the auto rotate.
Eric G. Have not had any problems with auto rotate. It just worked I used the first version of the flash on the Pandigital Planet ... have not used the new 2.0 from SPz0
I'm going to try this, but first, how do I do a back-up? How do I get a back up of the stock firmware?
Well my back-up strategy for the Pandigital Planet was to take the original firmware off of the root of the Planet mine was PR72_A_BN_W_A_C_10112011.zip and saved it on my computer if I ever need to go back I can put it back on the Planet and re-flash.
Is there a way to update the Market to the lastest 3.4.3 or whatever the latest one is? This one has the 2.0 and when I tried uninstalling the Market it doesn't allow me to do that.
Thanks so much! You've been very helpful.
I am not getting any sound from speakers. This preoblem is on both planet tabs that I have. Please advice how I can fix.
I am very pleased with this ROM! I want to know if performing a factory reset will bring the device back to its native state. I have dipped and dabbed in rooting but am not too experienced and realize the novice of this question. After realizing this device naturally does not support video chatting (!?) , I may want to give it to my nephew to toy around with. Any help is appreciated.
Eric G. there was a couple of posts over at slatedroid with sound issues
Around page 6 ste-vv suggested this may help.
"I would suggest you first put in the latest stable firmware from pandigital 10112011.zip which Freaky Bob put up a web site here
(the 12022011.zip has been reported as having difficulties rooting)
- see if the sound is working with firmware which will tell you if its a hardware problem
- if okay then flash with OpenPDP-2.3.4-v1.1-BETA-Spz0
Justin.... I am sure if you put the original firmware file on the root of the planet and re-flash it shouls get you back to stock... But I have not tried it my self..
In retrospect that was definitely a no brainer. I have reflashed to stockware. Again thanks for the help and Happy New Year!
What do I do if I never backed anything up before rooting? As in, I don't have the stock firmware saved anywhere. Since it's not working properly now, I need to go back to factory settings and start over but I don't know how. Please help.
hi all ! i just got the pandigital planet and did your root and am loving it awsome job !! just a couple of ?? though does this machine have bluetooth and if so is there a akp package to operate it?
Ok I got my Planet rooted but Skype no longer works. Is there away around this?
I got it to work! It's GREAT!
Would this work on another pandigital tablet like the novel?
I'm getting "E:failed to mount/sd card (no such file or directory) I've tried 2 different sd cards and downloaded the file again but the planet doesn't recognize the zip file. now what should i do?
SO, I am ordering my tablet today and I was wondering when it gets here, could I take it out of the box and do it as soon as I remove it ?
where is the file to add the HDMI Switch located?
rooted but can no longer connect to my wifi router. Any help?
I did the root but i wanted to put the normal pandigital firmware back onto the tablet. Can you help me do this please!!!
Got it running, but have no sound. All I've seen so far is how to check for hardware issues, which it is not, need help please
My planet wont install the google play apk. It says application couldnt be installed or something. It wont replace android market. How do i replace the market with google play
installed the root, works great, but for the life of me, i cannot seem to locate the apk for the hdmi switch fix, ....please help, jerry
Works great for me no problems except I cannot seem to get the places app to work and the navigation app to work. the places app continues to say that "your current location is temporarily unavailable-waiting for location" and the navigation app continues to try to load saying "waiting for location" while loading. Is there some way I can load my location or fix this problem so that I can use these apps...thx so much...my dad liked it so much he asked for me to root his so thx a bunch
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