Saturday, November 21, 2009

Take Your Top Off PowerBook Part 2

Continuation to Part 1 of PowerBook G4 15" WideScreen tear down

Apple PowerBook G4 disassembly DIY PowerBook G4 tear down.

I have been covering a few laptops recently ... and I would be remiss if I did not cover some of the Apple Mac products

by now you have removed all of the screws from the bottom of the case now we move on to

the back of the chassis and the sides

Here are 4 small screws that need to be removed ... actually only the 2 bottom ones need to

on the each side there are 3 more small screws holding the top case on this side is the DVI port, network, and a USB port as well as the s-video and the firewire ports.

on the other side of the laptop. There are another 3 screws that need to be removed.

At this point you have now taken out all of the necessary screws. IMO you should keep the screws in the same basic orientation they came out in ... it gives you a kind of map to put them back in with.

On to Part 3 ..... NEXT


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