HP DV6000 Disassembly Tear-down Part 2
Second Part to the DV6000 Disassembly How To
To view Part 1 of how to take apart the HP Pavilion dv6000 click this link
HP DV6000, DV9000, DV2000, and Compaq v3000, v6000 Disassembly Tear-Down with photos.
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This is a quick post showing a DV6000 tear-down.
Level of experience needed: Advanced (this is not to say anyone should not be able to do this it will just take more time)
Time for Tear-Down: 20 min. (including taking pictures)
What is needed: Clean Space to work you should have an anti-static mat and wrist strap as well.
make sure you discharge any static build up before working on any electronic components
and if you get up to get coffee or any other reason discharge again before touching anything
****** Warning this will void your warranty (if you still have one) and can render your laptop useless if you do something wrong if you are not comfortable taking this or any electronic product apart have a qualified Service Technician do if for you I take no responsibilities if you decide to to this your self. There is always a risk of electrocution as well capacitors can retain a charge and the power supply as well as the battery should be removed when any repair is made. (have to do this warning just a CYA thing) OH BTW DON'T DO THIS (ok that should cover me)********
Now That you have removed all of the screws on the bottom that will release the top case from the chassis you will need to remove the bezel holding the quick launch buttons and the power button ... the keyboard and the LCD ..

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Pry (very carefully) one side of the bezel up this will release the rest of it.
***Do NOT Pull the bezel out just yet there are cables still holding it ... these will be removed later just make sure its losse***

This will let you lift the keyboard up and back on its self.

Once the keyboard is resting on the touchpad unclip the ribbon cable from the system board and place the keyboard off to the side.

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There is another ribbon cable for the touch pad that will also need to be disconnected.

The 2 ribbon cables that go to the power button and quick launch buttons do not have latches or any keepers ... they are held in by pressure ... be very careful with these pulling them out and putting back in they will very easily be damaged and then you will need to hit ebay to replace them....

Now that the Ribbon cables have been released you can remove the last little cable from the bezel going to the LCD panel and place the bezel off to the side.

Lift up on the plastic pull tab for the LCD connector to release it from the system board

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on the left side you can now remove the black screw holding the left side of the LCD panel ... the silver screw next to it can be left in ..

Before removing the screw on the right side for the LCD panel remove the cables from their keepers so they are free and clear when you lift up on the LCD panel... the Wi-Fi cables will need to be pulled up through the system board from the bottom where they were attached to the wireless card ... and the cable attached to the system board should be easily disconected with a very small flat head screw driver be very careful not to damage the connector or the cable.

Now you can remove the remaining black screw that is holding the LCD panel in place ... carefully lift the panel up taking care with the cables still attached making sure they are free and put the panel in a safe place till you need to put it back on.

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Now that the Quick Launch bezel, keyboard, and LCD panel have been removed you can see the 4 screws left that can be removed for the top case... but don't try to take the top case off just yet.

There is a small plastic bezel that was hidden under the LCD panel that needs to be removed first the retaining screw is hidden by the power plug remove the screw and pry up the bezel.

Lift the bezel off and place that to the side.

Now you can remove the top cover ... you will need to either use a plastic spuger or your finger nail to release the small clips around the edges to lift up on the top cover. Just go around all of the edges and they will easily release.

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Now finally you have access to the system board... there are 5 screws left to remove 4 of them are holding down the PCMCIA card cage and the last one on the lower right side of the system board hold the system board to the lower case.

Showing the PCMCIA card cage removed.

And the PCMCIA card cage and the screws..

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Lift up on the right side of the system board ... you will have to unclip the power supply cables from the bottom of the case .. there are 2 keepers they are routed through .. don't try to disconnect them from the system board right now .. just free them enough to be able to move the system board around
There is a cable on the front of the system board remove it from the system board side and leave it in the case, this goes to the IR board (have never actually seen the remote work with the IR board no matter what I do .. have 4 remotes and have had 6 of these systems and not one of them have worked) and the head phones jack. (dual jacks for head phones .. now thats a good ideal girls both can watch a movie by themselves and not bother the rest of us)

After the cable on the front has been disconnected ... here is the tricky part... the system board is free to come out .. but you will have to gently pry the left side away from the system board ... gently rocking the system board back and forth to free it from the bottom case ... gently pry away the plastic areas next to the usb, firewire, and the s-video connector the system board will eventually come free. Remember the power cables are still connected so do not just yank it out.

Carefully flip the system board over ... and TADA.... all you have to do is remove the power cables .. and its out .. your done..
Re-assembly is just the reverse of taking it apart... hope this helps in any and all endeavors you may be seeking.
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Ah, I have a lose screw on the underside of the system board but after seeing how complex the process is i may just take it into our computer guy to skirt responsibility for potentially breaking my laptop. Nice Easy read btw
First make sure acpi/video module is loaded correctly.
thx good work
thank you so much your the only one i could find with an break down on how to do this thanks again 5/5 guide
Thanks for the great detail, was easy to follow. Unfortunately after reassembly the screen now stays blank after power-on. Any help appreciated.
when you had everything apart did you test the video before putting everything back togather .. Just to be sure .. double check your connections and make sure they were secure under the bezel. otherwise you may have to take it apart again and follow the instructions posted here.. I know there is limited info here but its worth a shot
let me know how it goes.
Great guide. My dv6000 was making an awful whining sound from the cooling fan. I followed this guide, then removed the fan from the mainboard. Next, I disassembled the actual fan and removed the blade from the motor (it's held on by magnets and can be pulled off easily). I noticed worn spots on the tips of the blades so I filed the blades just a bit. Reassembled, and it works sans horrible whine!
2 Jan 2010
Hey, thanks alot! That crudded-up fan sure was a devil to get to!
Hi my laptop stopped working all of a sudden,it use to give an beep sound and fan trys to switch on and switces off suddenly. I thought ther should some problem with fan and try to follow the instructions to disassemble and clean the fan. I was able to dissassemble but while checking for the problem I wrongly placed the ribon cables which connects to power button into mother board and since then he fan does not seem to work and the power button blue light shows up and the three led lights to left keeps blinking. Please let me know how I can fix this issue
I am not sure what problems would be caused by putting the cables in incorrectly. But it could have taken something else out on the system board.. and you may have to replace that.
Other wise from what you are telling me with the system not doing anything double check all of your connections .. if you have the systemboard out entirely try it with the battery not other power and only connect either the power button or the quick lauch .. and try that.
This could be a symptom of the video chip BGA separating from the system board as well.
Sorry you are having so many problems. To be honest I dont think your first problem was the fans either .. (Video card)
I please you to help me!
I've got an hp-dv6000 and some days ago it decide to stop working. I've opened it and found the problem, on the mobo the chip near the battery plug is totaly burn up! can you please send me the name of that component, or better way, a photo when i can read the full name?
thank you.
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